Different loans have different fees, features and repayment options. Use our loan calculator to see how the numbers stack up between two loans.
When it comes to comparing home loans it's not just about the interest rate. Different loans have different fees, features and repayment options. Sometimes, the loan with a lower interest rate may end up being more costly when you add up all the fees and charges.
Our Compare Two Loans Calculator is a good place to start to see how the numbers stack up between two loans, but if you're after a more accurate assessment of your options, get in touch and we’d love to help.
Click on the Get Started button to get started online or submit your question in the form below and one of our mortgage brokers will get back to you as soon as possible.
We're here to help. Contact us | Call 1300 33 00 30
Lilem Pty Ltd (t/as Logan Home Loans) ACN 648695505 is a referrer based business that works with a group of qualified brokers.
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